Tuesday, July 11, 2006

right now i am tired

dear readers: It is hard for me to typ right now because i am eating a nutty cone, so i'm not using capitals. i am tired right now because of a full day. after katie went home i went to dance class. since hannah and i go to the same dance class, we waited for a parents together. we walked around the dance class building two times. then her parents came and i went to the front of the building to meet my parents. they had just gone out Tom Wahles (no more nutty caone, so more capitals) with my Annie and Aidan, my sis and bro, so they brought me a cheeseburger and fries. Yum! Then I came home and played checkers with Aidan, and flip-flop toses then we went in the pool. I had a great day today. Lucie

2 little notes:

Morgan family said...

Don't forget that Kieran, Gabe, Isabella and Liz are coming over tomorrow morning.

Annie !

Monkeybaby14 said...

:( i bet you did! :(
