***Dance class report: It's been an interesting week. Tuesday I was not to go to dance class, because the schedule was changing for summer. Instead it was to be on a Thursday. So both Hannah and I did not go, since we had both heard the same thing. We were, of course, surprised when we got a call telling us it had taken place on Tuesday. When everything was cleared up, it came out that kids had shown up on Tuesday because that's what it said in the program to do. Mrs. Reback, my teacher, of course had to teach them. It wasn't like she was not gonna have a class just because two students are absent. So the class went on. When we found this out, though, and told Mrs. Reback, she told us to just come in Thursday at the time we had heard, which was in the one o'clock hour. So we did, and we got a private lesson. It was cool. *****30th report: Read this letter I sent to the town board. It'll all make since: ********************** Dear Lucas, Thank you for you email. The decision to host the parade on a Saturday was done last year as well. Letters have been sent out and bands booked to march in the 2007 parade,. This is a highly competitive time to secure bands as so many parades are scheduled for town Independence Day parades throughout the County. However, we will certainly take your thoughts under consideration as we plan for 2008. Have a good day. ********Why was I called Lucas? Because I signed my name Lucia, and they did not read it properly. Duh. So, now we are celebrating Independence Day on the 30th. Tomorrow we'll have friends over, go to the parade, and watch fireworks. I plan on having tons of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!! See y'all later, Lucas.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Another week of acomplishments
Hey Y'all! I wouldn't say ALL this week was just me acomplishing things. But over the course of the week, a few things were done. On Monday I went to the doctor's office, and my mom and I talked to her for an hour or so. It was mostly about how we homeschool, because that topic seemed to interest her. Then I got a TPD shot: Tetanus, Pertussis (or Whooping Cough,) and Diptheria. I could have gotten two other shots, but we chose not to do that. My arm was sore for days!! Later that afternoon, Ian and I went and got our permits. Our working permits, that is. Then we went to the library and applied there. At least I did. Ian just took his application home. I got a letter in the mail later that week telling me their services were full at the moment, but they would contact me if anything changed. It was even hand written and signed by someone important over there. The next day my arm was aching like nothing else, and I had stomach pains, severe dizziness, throbbing arm pain, and a killer headache. I couldn't get off the couch. It really hit me hard. That same day Annie and Ian went to the DMV and Annie tried to get her permit. But there were millions of rules and regulations you had to go over if you were over 21. So now Annie has to earn 6 points by getting different things before she can even take the test. WE WERE ALL WAS SO MAD. It was the stupidest thing I had ever heard. Ian got his permit, though, and he did his famous 'Ian Grin' when they were taking his picture. It's a super huge smile he does, with all the teeth and everything. Besides that, I didn't really do anything else. Bye Y'all; hope you have a nice fourth of July!
Written by Lucia on Saturday, June 23, 2007 2 little notes
Monday, June 11, 2007
Happy Birthday Ian
Another birthday already?! Yes, it's Ian's birthday, so happy birthday Ian! I thought this picture was fitting, seeing as you're having jello instead of cake.
Written by Lucia on Monday, June 11, 2007 4 little notes