I am posting this the night before my friend KT's birthday. I'm so excited, because that'll mean I'll probably see her soon! She will be turning 13! Wow, she's gonna be a teenager. I'm sorry to say that becoming a teenager makes you feel no different. Except that you realize you're not 12 anymore.
Well, I hope you have a really super-dee-duper excellent birthday tomorrow, KT!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Written by Lucia on Wednesday, March 28, 2007 2 little notes
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Pretty sweet
I love this picture. It's a perfect desktop picture because it's just the right size for my monitor. My friend KT gave it to me. She also gave me a bunch of other cool animal pics, but I like this one best.
Written by Lucia on Tuesday, March 27, 2007 2 little notes
Monday, March 26, 2007
When you see a post name like that, I guess you're a bit anxious to hear what's happened. I guess it's not all as bad as what you could imagine, but I tell you, it was pure torture these last two days.
On Friday I went to TCC (Teen Cantor Choir) practice at our church. Then the next day (Saturday morning) I woke up and really didn't feel to well. But I just had cold symptoms, so I took some medicine and tried to feel better.
But I just kept feeling worse and worse. So I took medicine ever 4 or 5 hours, like it recommended on the bottle. No use. I felt better for about an hour every time I took the medicine, but then I felt slowly like I was getting worse.
Sunday I felt even worse then the day before. I had a fever and I was repeatedly either feeling freezing or super sweaty and hot. Both were not good feelings. I also couldn't really stand up with out falling down on account of dizziness.
So I stayed home from Church. Aidan was getting something too, so he stayed home with me. And Dad stayed home to do a home-service with us.
Then I watched TV on and off the rest of the day, and I kept seeing this stupid commercial for Infiniti (yes, that's how you spell it) cars that had super annoying music and a stupid design. I probably thought it was stupid because for one thing I saw it the first time when I was feeling the most sick, and secondly they showed it every commercial break because it was the channel's biggest sponsor.
Last night I had the worst night sleep imaginable. I was trying not to breathe through my mouth, because that would lead to a dry mouth and a yucky goopy mouth in the morning, so I had to keep waking up and blowing my sore nose.
Well this morning I woke up and felt. . .much better, surprisingly enough. I only have a cough and stuffed up nose, I think my fever is gone, and I don't feel dizzy. I don't know where this virus came from, but it seemed to come and go with the weekend, thank goodness.
Written by Lucia on Monday, March 26, 2007 4 little notes
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Saturday's are the best?
I suppose Saturday's are alright, but they wouldn't be my first choice as the best day of the week. They're usually only fun when I get to see friends. But after I've watched all the shows I watch in the morning, it just gets so boring, and I can't wait for it to end. Today will probably be different, because it's my Dad's day off. I hope y'all have a nice day, Lucie
Written by Lucia on Saturday, March 24, 2007 3 little notes
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Spring is here!
Here's a kinda late welcome for spring! I'm so happy that it has arrived. Of course, that doesn't mean that it will automatically be warm and sunny and flowers and such, but it is suppose to be warm later this week. I gotta go, but happy Spring!
Written by Lucia on Wednesday, March 21, 2007 3 little notes
Monday, March 19, 2007
Seeing friends is always fun!
Hi there! Sorry I haven't updated, but yesterday I went to my friend Sarah and Katie's house! It was sooooo much fun! We made marble brownies and they were good, but sorta thin sense we only used one package of mix. (Okay, okay, we didn't make um' from scratch. But hey, at least I admitted it!)
Here's a picture of what they sorta looked like!
Written by Lucia on Monday, March 19, 2007 3 little notes
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Important news flash
Amazingly enough, though snow is flying through the air, my mom saw the first robin today! Yes, a robin redbreast. That's a big moment for us. A robin is like a sign of hope flying through the air, telling you in it's silent way that spring is really close. Even though global warming is teasing us, the robin's have arrived.
Written by Lucia on Saturday, March 17, 2007 2 little notes
St. Patrick's day
Hi there! I already have a nice post on St. Patrick's day at my other blog. Please go and look! And happy Saint Patrick's day! Lucie
*Click on the word blog to get there.
Written by Lucia on Saturday, March 17, 2007 2 little notes
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Hey people
I know, I've probably used that post title before, but I like it. So what's up? Nothing much here. Kieran and Isabella came over today. You know, the kids we take care of twice a week? Well this week it's been pretty killer, with them coming at 8:30-8:40 or so and staying till 3:30. I'm usually asleep half the morning, being a homeschooler and all, but after I wake up it's hard. Kieran's 3 and Isabella's 8 and 1/2 months. Anyway, it's been a normal day, besides my Dad having a day off.
Here's a picture of Lola, which my little brother Aidan took back in December '06. I thought it was cute and funny.
By the way (this really isn't just a 'by the way' thing but whatever) the Library is done! Besides the radiated heating factor it's finished. And the computers haven't been moved out there yet. It looks amazing!!!!!!! Bye, y'all,
Written by Lucia on Thursday, March 15, 2007 3 little notes
Monday, March 12, 2007
Please pretty please with sugar on top!
I will not update on my other blog, Decadent Dancing till I receive some comments! PLEASE!!!!
Here's a pic of Vinny, my bean bag bear. I did not take it, as usual. Internet pic.
PS I'm not a New York Jets fan. I just think the toy is cute cute cute!!!!!
Written by Lucia on Monday, March 12, 2007 3 little notes
Friday, March 09, 2007
Trip to the stars
When we went to the planetarium recently (well, not to recently, but this year in February) I thought it was so cool. They turned off all the lights and made a projection on the dome ceiling that made it look like a real night sky. They showed what the stars would look like near a city, and what it would look like in the country. They mainly focused on Orion's belt, which is three stars close together that look like a belt. You are also suppose to see the rest of Orion, his arm's, shoulder's and leg's, but I still couldn't see it even when they put the picture of it over where it was suppose to be. They told us about Betelgeuse and Sirius, the dog star, and the crab nebula, and many other things about stars, too many to list here.
I was just thinking about this stuff tonight and felt like posting about it. This is a picture I found on the internet of Orion's belt (which is pronounced O-Ryan, like the name. Not Oreeon, as I thought at first). I still continue to look at the stars when it's a clear night and I feel smart that I know where things are now. I think that's a nice feeling, and every person should feel a happy glow when they feel it.
* *Lucie* *
Written by Lucia on Friday, March 09, 2007 3 little notes
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Scary stuff
Hi there, y'all. Last night I had a dream that I went over to my friend Katie and Sarah's house for a sleep over, but I had forgotten it was a sleep over and didn't bring any of the stuff required for one. It was weird. Well, getting on with it, the scary stuff was that I was having trouble breathing recently. Sunday night I was sleeping, and woke up with a stomach ache. I took some medicine for it, and felt better. Then I had trouble breathing through my nose, so I took some medicine for that and I felt like it had gotten stuck in my throat or something, because I felt like there was a lumpy thing in my throat. So I got all scared and went on my computer to look it up. This was at 2:30 in the morning, mind you, and I was tired. Looking on my computer was a mistake because I got all freaked out that something bad was happening to me and I got all worried and stuff. So then I looked in my throat and since I had never really looked at a throat before, I didn't know what was usually there and what wasn't suppose to be there. Anyway, I got even more freaked out, so I used my computer to distract myself until 5:00 when I got to sleep till 9:00 AM. My mom looked at my throat and saw there was something on the back of it. It was a tiny white spot, and she decided it was probably mucus. When my dad got home from work that day (it was Monday now, remember) I told him about it and he said I probably had an allergy to something I ate. I had eaten some weird pasta I had never had before on Sunday. Before dinner they had me take allergy medicine for it. Monday night I was worried about it before I went to bed, so mom suggested I take a different kind of medicine for it for insurance. Dad wasn't sure I should take anymore till I actually felt it bugging me, though. So I waited. I was sitting in bed later that night though, and I was having another case of difficult swallowing and breathing a little, too. So I took the medicine. I wasn't at all sure if it was the right thing to do, though. I didn't want the medicines to effect each other in some bad way. It was fine, though, because here I am, alive to tell the tale. Lucie
Written by Lucia on Tuesday, March 06, 2007 3 little notes
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Hey there people
Whats up? Nothing new to post about today. My Mom is redoing the living room. So a long time ago, when the house was first built, there was just the living room. Then the owners before us added a closed in porch. Since there was none before that, and it was just a bare outside wall, with two windows, the windows remained there and there are windows looking out now onto the closed in porch. Well, Mom's getting rid of the windows and replacing them with a sliding door. There are to parts of the porch. There's the entrée way and then there's the part that will become a library. So she took out the wall in between them and replaced it with a new wall a bit farther into the entrée way making it bigger on the library side. Then she's gonna take out the radiator that used to be in front of the windows and put radiated heating into the floor of the porch. Then she's going to put some nice furniture and books out there, making a library. It's gonna be super nice, and I can't wait to see it done. Does this post make any since? Well, whether it does or not, I hope you enjoyed reading it. I just wanted you to know what's going on in our house. Lucie
Written by Lucia on Saturday, March 03, 2007 3 little notes
Thursday, March 01, 2007
The moment I've been waiting for...
HI PEOPLE! This is my 100th post! And for SOMEBODY, who said in my last post that I don't have any creativity, look at this picture. Blah.
PS I did not take this picture, I just got it off the internet. Like always.
Written by Lucia on Thursday, March 01, 2007 4 little notes