Hi people! Today's my brother Alfie's birthday! He's turning 19! I just wanted to say that it was his birthday, and that it has been a very nice day. I hope you all had a nice day as well,
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Happy birthday ALFIE!!!!!
Written by Lucia on Tuesday, February 27, 2007 2 little notes
This time, it wasn't my fault. . .
Hi there. This time it wasn't my fault for not posting. The internet in the whole house, except my Mom's computer, went out! Our modem, the thing that generates the internet through the separate computers, went weird, so the only way to use the internet was to plug your computer right into it, or something like that. Well anyway, it made all the computers in the whole house lose internet, so I was dieing to update for two or three days. I hope that you enjoy my update,
PS Here's a picture of Rachael Ray, my favorite celebrity chef! In this picture she's wearing her yum-o shirt. I got one of those for Christmas!
Written by Lucia on Tuesday, February 27, 2007 1 little notes
Sunday, February 25, 2007
A post for Sarah. . .
Hi there, people. Sarah asked me why I had not posted pictures in a while on my blog. I really don't know why, but here's one. This is a picture I got off the internet, and it's the kind of computer I got in my room. It's called a graphite imac. I'm very pleased with it so far. Hope you have a very nice night sleep,
Lucie---- posted at 9:37 PM
Written by Lucia on Sunday, February 25, 2007 2 little notes
To post or not to post. . .
Hi there. I wasn't sure if I wanted to post today, but I'm posting anyway. I had a nice time at church this morning. It was sort of rush-rush in the morning, but we managed to get there and all sit together, too. That's hard to do when we get there late, seeing as we have eight people to seat. From Friday to Saturday I had a sleepover with my friends Sarah and Katie. It was really fun! I would have posted yesterday, but I wasn't in the mood. We got there and played on the computer, gave each other makeovers (Katie was completely surprised I let her put makeup on me, seeing as I'm not the makeup king of gal) and we watched 'Molly: an American girl on the home-front'. Then we went to bed, but we of course didn't go to sleep right away. The next morning we had chocolate chip pancakes. They were good! Unfortunately, Katie had to leave for an eye exam which was sad, because we missed her! After we ate breakfast we made music videos and then we went home. It was really super duper fun, though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LUCIE Posted at 1:06 PM
Written by Lucia on Sunday, February 25, 2007 3 little notes
Friday, February 23, 2007
Why is my post titled Ugh, you ask? Because I am tired right now. For the last few days I have felt this way, because a stuffed up nose wakes me up earlier and earlier these days. Two days ago it woke me up at 9:00 AM. Not bad, that's when I usually wake up. Yesterday it was at 8:44 AM. A little earlier, but hey, still good. But today, it crossed the wake up line. I woke up at 7:42 AM today! Now that's really early for a homeschooler, seeing as we're used to sleeping till nine or so. You see, the reason I have to wake up when I have a clogged nose is because if I don't, for one thing, I'll have to breath through my mouth and then I'll get a dry mouth. And for another thing, I can't swallow the stuff, because everyone knows that leads to a cough, and a cough leads to a cold. And I don't want a cold. Thanks for listening to my annoying, tired complaints, Lucie Posted at 9:22 AM
Written by Lucia on Friday, February 23, 2007 3 little notes
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Hi there people!
Sorry about not posting. I realized today that I hadn't posted in a couple days. Sunday feels like so long ago! Our family always gives up something for Lent. I'm giving up two things this Lent: eating potato chips, and only one soda a day, no extras. Not even if I paid for one. The reason for me choosing these things is because I'm trying to get healthier. I want to lose weight, and I want to try to drink more water then soda. (Though I only drink diet soda.) Tonight we are going to the ash Wednesday service at church. Well, that's really all I wanted to write about today, Lucie
Written by Lucia on Wednesday, February 21, 2007 3 little notes
Sunday, February 18, 2007
The reason I haven't posted pictures up yet, is because none of them look like the snow is deep. It's not satisfying enough to look at. Maybe I'll go out with a ruler or something to show you exactly how deep it is. Lily seems to be enjoying the snow. My dad says he took her out, and she was doing this weird thing where she would rub her paws and head in the snow. My mom explained to him that she was cleaning her paws and face, and that Lily really liked to do that. I thought it was funny! I gotta go downstairs now, before we have to leave for church, Lucie Posted at 9:29 AM Sunday
Written by Lucia on Sunday, February 18, 2007 3 little notes
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Something to post about
OH MY GOODNESS! I knew it had snowed, but not this much. I knew that some places had tons of snow in NY, but I guess it didn't dawn on me how much. We're talking about thigh to waste deep snow, here. Annie, Alfie, Aidan, Ian, and I all went out to see how deep the snow in the field behind our house was. Alfie and Annie didn't bother wearing snow pants, because they were sure they didn't need them. They were wrong. Aidan, being the youngest, is about 4 feet or smaller. The snow went up to his waste. We went even farther out in the big fields and it went up to my brother Ian's waste out there, and he's six feet high. And most of his six feet are in his legs. It went up high on me, too. I'm about five feet high. Wow, I wanted something to post about, and I got it. I was so cold when I got in, I could hardly breath. And since it's fields out there, the snow billows up and travels across it. When you're standing out there it swirls all around you and travels up your coat and around your face in your eyes and nose and in your hair. It feels like you're wearing no coat. I took of my gloves for a moment to take a picture of Annie, who was waste high in snow, also. She's a little shorter then me. My hands were so cold after that, I couldn't feel them, and they burned and stung with the cold and forceful winds. I managed to get one glove back on, but the other one wouldn't go on right, because my other bulging gloved hand was clumsy. It stung so bad I wanted to cry. I got behind a tree to hide from the ferocious wind. I decided to skip the glove. I shoved my hand in my pocket and ran for the house. I stumbled in the deep snow, and my big hat covered my eyes. But I finally I got to a shoveled path and and ran as hard and fast as I could to the house. It was so fun, as soon as I got in, I wished I was back out. Lucie PS I'll post a picture later.
Written by Lucia on Thursday, February 15, 2007 4 little notes
Only ten more posts to go till I hit 100. I really have nothing to post about, but know one else in my blog group had posted yet, so I was bored. Blog's are about the only thing I ever do one the computer now a-days. I should probably go, since I haven't got anything to post. Lucie
Written by Lucia on Thursday, February 15, 2007 2 little notes
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy V day!
Happy Valentine's day, people. I'm having a good day so far. I made the chocolate strawberry's I said I was going to make today. I will post a pic on my other blog, once Annie gives them to me. I took the pictures on her camera again, because the family's isn't working. I don't really like Valentine's day because it's to commercial and just a waste of time, seeing as it's not a real holiday, like Christmas and Easter and such. It's just made up to spend Money.
I used to think I was a chocoholic, but now I'm not so sure. When I was making those chocolate strawberry's, I ate some chocolate along the way, and the strong fumes gave me a stomach ache. Tim says it's probably because the smell was like eating it, and I smelled to much of it, just like if you eat to much it makes your stomach hurt, or something like that.
PS here's a cool pic of hearts I found online. Enjoy!
Written by Lucia on Wednesday, February 14, 2007 3 little notes
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Hey dudes (and dudetts)
So, here I am posting again. I'm having a good day so far. Alice, Liz, and Mrs. Foley came over today. I would say they were My mom's friend's, but now I sorta feel that they're all of our friends. Liz came to pick up Kieran and Isabella, but ended up staying for coffee. Alice came over, because she had to go to Wegmans, which is right down the street from us, and Mrs. Foley (her mother) tagged along. (I think. Maybe she had to go to Wegmans also.) Well, tonights Dance class. But if I talk about that on this blog, I won't have anything to post on Decadent Dancing, so see ya, Lucie PS I won't be posting on that blog till after dance class, because then I'll actually have something to talk about.
Written by Lucia on Tuesday, February 13, 2007 2 little notes
Monday, February 12, 2007
I guess I'm like Ian
Hi there peoples, I guess I'm like Ian now. I'm posting kinda late. It's 10:24 pm, though it'll probably say I'm posting at 7:24 or :28 because I can't get it at the right time zone. I gotta go, Annie's ready to start watching 7th heaven on DVD (our nightly routine) from my blogger, to yers, Lucie
Written by Lucia on Monday, February 12, 2007 3 little notes
Dear Readers:
My Brother and Sister-in-law always take pictures of the food they eat, before they eat it. Seeing this as a nice idea, I decided to.
Last night we had pot roast, which my mom made. I love that dinner, so Annie let me use her camera to take a few pictures of it. Here's one of them. Yum, that dinner was good.
Written by Lucia on Monday, February 12, 2007 3 little notes
Just an update. . .
So, whats up, people? Guess what happened to me yesterday? I got my computer in my room finally! It's so so so so so so so exciting! I forgot to set my alarm today, so I woke up at 10:38! It really annoyed me. Right now I'm updating on my new computer. The only thing that worries me is that I had to take my old roll top desk because the top wasn't big enough to fit the new computer on. The thing is, is that it had like, a billion handy drawers in it, that were nice and big (actually it only 4, but they were big, as I said before) but now the new desk only has three small drawers. I don't know where I'm gonna put all that stuff! Lucie PS sorry for no pictures in this post! I don't have any on this computer yet, and I don't really want to use google images!
Written by Lucia on Monday, February 12, 2007 1 little notes
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Hello there! There's really nothing to update about. . .
What's going on, people? Nothing here. I don't really like the google account, because it took my profile from Decadent Dancing and replaced my profile from Lily's dreamland with it. It made me mad.
Anyway, I can't wait to watch 7th heaven tonight! I wonder what will happen? I really like that show!
Written by Lucia on Sunday, February 11, 2007 3 little notes
Change is good
I was a little doubtful of whether or not to change my template, so I brought Lily in to choose for me. She looked at the screen when I said, 'Do you like this one?' and she started licking me! It was so cute! So that's why I chose this one. I'm glad you like it, Lucie
Written by Lucia on Sunday, February 11, 2007 2 little notes
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Happy go lucky!
Hey there, peeps! I'm so so so so so so happy that my friend Sarah can comment again! How did you do it? Well, I've had a nice day so far. I've been in the house most of the time (well, all the time except when I took my garbage out). It hasn't been a boring day, though. I've watched TV with Annie, and hung out with Annie, which is always fun because we joke around. I love watching food network during 'covered in chocolate week' because every show has a chocolate recipe on it! In fact, I'm watching food network while writing this! Lucie
Written by Lucia on Saturday, February 10, 2007 4 little notes
Friday, February 09, 2007
Homemade Chicken noodle soup trauma
Another stressful evening last night for me. I made dinner by myself again, this time with no help. Mom boiled the chicken in extremely salty water and then left me to do the rest. She also food processed the celery and onions, so that they were so small that they would not be noticed, except in flavor. (My family hates bits in anything.) I chopped and peeled the potatoes, got the carrots chopped and put in there, along with the chicken which I had taken out of the broth and chopped into bite sized pieces. I put the bow-ties in, too, and then stirred till they were tender. While I was doing this, the dishwasher needed to be unloaded and loaded, so I did that too. I was going to make biscuits, but we opened the bisquik box and there were little bugs mixed in with it, so that wasn't an option anymore. We threw it out right away, in the outside garbage, but it made me feel gross. I didn't actually eat this dinner myself, being not a fan of Chicken noodle soup, but it did look good. Gotta go, Lucie
Written by Lucia on Friday, February 09, 2007 4 little notes
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Here's an update!
Dear Readers: What's up? I hope that I recieve comments on this post. Lily threw up Yesterday. I had a feeling she would, though, because her stomach was 'gurgling' again, and she wouldn't eat anything. Well, I was sorta stressed out when it happened. My Mom and my brother, Ian, had gone to babysit for our friends that live in a far away town, and so I was making dinner with the help of my older brother, Tim. We made spaghetti, Rigatonni, and sauce. We also had frozen pizza, just in case. Well, I was balancing four things at once at one point, because the Rigatonni needed stiring, and there were pans in the sink that needed to be washed before we could drain it, and Lily was at the door, begging, and the sauce was getting to hot. I asked Annie, frantically, if she could take out Lily, but she was busy. Finally she consented, but to late. While I was stiring the rigatonni, I heard a little coughing sound behind me, and there was Lily, walking away from some throw up. Luckly, it was on the kitchen floor, an easy clean-up. I finished washing the pans, Tim and I drained the rigatonni, got the spaghetti in the pot, and turned down the sauce. Lily's stomach was fine after that, so all's well, that ends well. Lucie
Written by Lucia on Thursday, February 08, 2007 3 little notes
Monday, February 05, 2007
Hey, check out more of ME!
Peoples: Go to my other blog, too. Here's the site: http://bookslulu.blogspot.com/ You can read more about me there, but don't forget to read the posts here, too! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LUCIE
Written by Lucia on Monday, February 05, 2007 4 little notes
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Poem I wrote for my Dog Lily
All snuggled up, on the couch, all rounded in a ball, is my little dog Lily, the dog that tops them all. She doesn't like to cuddle, but licking is her thing, she's hardly ever trouble, nice as a flower in Spring. Without her, I'd feel lonely, and when I am away, I dream I see her, and then I feel okay. Her tail is always wagging, when I come through the door, and though, sometimes she's begging, I love her more and more. By: Lucie J.
Written by Lucia on Sunday, February 04, 2007 1 little notes
Dogs are trouble
Dear Readers: If you ever wished to get a dog before, you might want to take some things into consideration: They have to get shots They have to get a license, but they have to have shots to do that To get them groomed they have to have a license, unless groomed at home You have to take them for a walk every four hours You have to clean up after them and get them water and food and any other needs they may have You have to get a certain kind of rock salt because regular hurts some dog's paws You have to be EXTREMELY careful feeding them scraps because there are a lot of human foods that will hurt them internally They bark loud at night And you have to pick up anything you drop in case they try to eat it and get sick. There are a lot more I can't think of right now, but there are more. Benefits to having a dog/dogs: You can cuddle with them They're your friend They're really loyal And always happy to see you They lick you to make you feel better They wag there little tails and look cute They're just nice to have around!!! Well, there you go, folks. I'd say, even though they're a lot of trouble, they're really nice to have around!!!! Lucie
Written by Lucia on Sunday, February 04, 2007 1 little notes