Dear Readers: I have been explaining that my internet has been going in and out all week to everyone all day, so I'm tired of talking. Goodnight, and goodluck. Lucie
Monday, October 23, 2006
Thursday, October 12, 2006
TODAY, yesterday, and later
DEAR READERS: Today Kieran and Issabella came over. Me and Aidan went on the tramoline with Kieran. He's three, and Issabella's 4 months. It was fun! For halloween I'm going to be a poodle skirt girl. I'm soooooo excited. Yesterday, when there was a big thunder storm, Lola sat on my lap while I used the computer because she was scared. I wrote a short story today called, 'the basement'. Its pretty good. I have high hopes for it. I would post it, but my sister doesn't want me too. Well, sort of.... I'm going to send this story to a children's magazine. If you know of any children's magazines, then please tell me! Lucie
Written by Lucia on Thursday, October 12, 2006 3 little notes
Sunday, October 01, 2006
I was typing in my blog name but I forgot to add the '.blogspot' in. So I just typed in And I got a website that looked sort od weird. Heres a pic from it.
Written by Lucia on Sunday, October 01, 2006 5 little notes