Dear Readers:
I made this Dessert last night! It was sooooo Good! I got the recipe from the food network. Any way, Its mascrapone cheese mixed with raspberry yogurt and diced pinapple in a Phyllo dough cup with choclate shavings on top! YUM!
PS Lily and Lola really liked the leftover raw Phyllo dough. There's no eggs in the stuff so I geussing its ok for them to eat. I liked it to, but they really loved it!
Saturday, September 30, 2006
A pretty little dessert!
Written by Lucia on Saturday, September 30, 2006 3 little notes
Sunday, September 17, 2006
THE biggggggest cookie in the whole world (not really, though)
Dear Peoples:
Today we went to the family reunion! It was soooo much fun! Every year the family reunion planner (her name's Karen) bakes a giant cookie, and you have to geuss how many choclate chips are in it. Whoever is closer without going over is the winner! Thats ME!!!!!!! I won it. When Karen came up to me to thank me for organizing games for the children, I asked, "When are you going to announce the winner of the cookie?" she said she had tottaly forgotten. so we went to the cookie contest number list, and she read it. After a few minutes of reading, she said, "And the winner is..." I pricked up my ears, knowing not to get my hopes up because I was sure I wouldn't win. "Lucie!" What a surprise! What a beatiful, gorgeus surprise! My heart soared. The day before, my sister Clare had talked about winning the cookie like three years ago, and I was sure I wouldn't ever win. But unfortunatly Clare couldn't make it, and in honor of her I geussed the hour she was born at, 5:30 (PM). But I didn't want to geuss it on the dot, so I geussed 532.
Heres a pic of me and the cookie. I'm so happy!
Written by Lucia on Sunday, September 17, 2006 4 little notes