Dear Readers:
Saturday we had a grad party for my brother, Al. I was sick with a cold, unfortunatly. In the morning we 'cleaned house' and got ready. Then Matt, Sonja, and Makenna (their daughter) came over. Then people started coming. We had a 'videogame tent', where all the teenagers were, and all the grown-ups were at the patio. As the day went on, I felt sicker and sicker. I hung out with Hannah a lot in the tent. We talked about her going to school and such, and we also played bocce. At the end of the day, Nora, Monica, and Johnathan Haehl came over. Catherine and Gregory weren't able to make it. I felt so awful, all I could do was lay on the couch. By this time, Hannah was gone.
Oh! Good news! I was in the newspaper! Or rather, my dance class was. As I predicted, the photographer used the up close picture of my friend, Nicole. I'm in the backround with Hannah to the right of Nicole.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Smores and a party
Written by Lucia on Tuesday, August 29, 2006 3 little notes
Thursday, August 24, 2006
I really need to update..................
Dear Readers:
I'm sorry I havn't updated in a while. My friend Katie says that If I don't update my blog then she won't update hers. So here you go. Heres a picture of a pretty wedding bouqet. I don't know where I got this picture... but I didn't take it, thats all I know. Well I proabably got it of the internet.
I think its time to stop rambling now.
Written by Lucia on Thursday, August 24, 2006 3 little notes
Friday, August 04, 2006
Hi Peoples! How are you today? I'm doing fine. Heres an I.Q quiz results I got for what kind of Dog I am!
daschund, congrats! you got my favorite dog ok well anyways you are sweet and innocent and would never do anything bad unless there is omething new to be discovered o_O
Take this quiz!
Written by Lucia on Friday, August 04, 2006 4 little notes
Drie koele foto's van vrienden
Dear Readers:
The reason the post is in Dutch up there is because me and my friends have gotten into this translating craze. It means: Three cool photos of friends. We keep translating stuff at:
Its fun. Here Are three cool picks. The one where we're playing our badmitton rackets was based on 'The princess diaries 2' when Lilly is playing on her badmitton racket. I'm on the right, Katies on the left, and Sarahs in the middle.
The one with me and Sarah is the one where I look like I'm mixing somthing and Sarahs holding a badmitton racket. It looked so goofy I had to put it on. The last one is where I'm getting in the way of the camera so Annie couldn't take a pic of her. LOL!!
Written by Lucia on Friday, August 04, 2006 4 little notes
Fuzzy love
Dear Readers:
Heres a pic that came out fuzzy, but was so cute, I had to post it. It me cuddling Lily while Mom was shaving her. The other one is Lily on the couch wanting a tummy rub. Enjoy! ;)
Written by Lucia on Friday, August 04, 2006 2 little notes