Thursday, April 23, 2009

knowledge in the kitchen

In order to fully understand this post, you must know what a salad spinner is. If you don't, well, I'll tell you the thing my mother always heard from her father: look it up. (I've never heard that myself, I'm just so smart.) I'm going to go out on a whim and create a new metaphor: life is like a salad spinner. Here's why: You start out as a wet lettuce leaf. Sounds gross, but hey! you like it that way. So here you are, a wet leaf. Suddenly, you're in the kitchen, on the counter, and your faced with a decision. You can either be put into a bag in your present beautifully wet state, or you can be thrown into a very shiny looking mechanism that kind of fills you with fear it's so beautiful. Off a whim, without thinking, and under pressure to make the decision, you decide on the strange device. Your in, your cozy, you like, no LOVE, your decision.... and then the lid of this strange device is put on, and suddenly, you're spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning.... .... and spinning and spinning. .... and spinning and spinning. You get the point. There's a lot of spinning. You can see now you are a very dizzy salad leaf. You feel sick to your little leafy stomach. You regretted, hated your decision. Despised it even. Okay, you downright loathed it. Just as you're about to leak out a few leafy tears, you become aware of yourself. You are dry. You are warm. You feel great! Better than EVER before. So was the bumpy ride worth this wonderful feeling? Your leafy persona thinks so! You love your life now, and it was all completely worth it. Catch my drift? Of course, this example does not pertain to every case. But it has to me. I went out on a limb to get a job, when already my life was extremely busy. It was a few bumpy months there, trying to see if I actually enjoyed my busy lifestyle. But now I have decided that I like my life a lot better that before. So go out on a limb. Take a chance. Unless you like being soggy, of course.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Mm, I love to eat my sculpting clay!

So I was sitting at the computer today, and my brother Aidan was behind me eating candy. Suddenly he starts unwrapping a tootsie roll, and he suddenly starts molding the stuff into different shapes. "It's not clay!" I said, a little disgusted that he was rolling around this tootsie roll, getting his hands all sticky. "Yes it is," he said, and started making a dinosaur. He used nerds for the eyes. He then smooshed that and added another tootsie roll to the mix. He made two balls, and decided to make a snowman. Once it was finished, orange tootsie roll nose and all (like a carrot,) we both said at the same time: "That really looks like a bird." so he added wings and some feet. After that, I decided to look up if anyone else had thought of sculpting tootsie rolls, like maybe professionals or something. A professional tootsie roll artist seemed a bit far fetched, but hey, people do all sorts of crazy things these days. So I found this blog that was really cool, with all these tootsie roll pieces of art. I was like, "this blog is awesome!" so you should check it out. I can't believe it's almost thanksgiving. That's kinda scary to think about, because that means we're going into the holiday season. Doesn't it seem like we just did all that? And the holiday season means that 2008 is almost already over. I know what I'm gonna say on New Year's eve: this year went by so quickly! It turns out that 12 months really isn't that long a period of time. Till later! Lucia

Saturday, July 05, 2008

4th of July

Yesterday was the fourth of July, and quite a big day for almost everyone. Lily herself just enjoyed the quiet seclusion of being on her own on the couch while the people of the house celebrated in their own funny ways. They went to the parade, and then came home to go into the pool and play in the yard with their friends. Though the day was quiet for Lily, as the night came on, the very important part of the fourth drew near: the fireworks. Lily is not a big fan of loud noises, and so as the fireworks are shot off down the street from her abode, the people were pretty worried she would panic from the loud noises because she was going to be home alone. But it was just the way it had to go, and so they left for the fireworks with fear for her. It turned out this way: they locked Lily into her kennel and left. And when they arrived home, they found Lily in her kennel still, bleary eyed and sleepy, as if she had just taken a nap.

Monday, May 19, 2008

A really cute dog!!

My dog is SO cute!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Italian Orange

I tell you, these oranges that we got literally taste like they soaked up all the Mediterranean in one orange. They are grown in Italy, and sold at your local Wegmans. They have red speckled in them, so when you hold them up to the light, it looks like a sunset. Ian took this picture for me so I could post it on my blog. These are best when fresh!